RFK 2021

“Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the LORD has helped us.”

1 Samuel 7:12

We confidently know that “the Lord has helped us”, and that He moved in the lives of each person in attendance at camp. For the first time in 2 years, Royal Family KIDS Anchorage was able to host an in-person 5 day camp for 33 wonderful kiddos in the Alaska foster care system.

Although a smaller group than usual, the Lord continued to move mightily. We were so blessed to serve these children. Thank you to every single staff member that sacrificed their time to serve the children. Thank you to our prayer team for interceding for us all week. And thank you Lord for a successful beautiful week to show your love to children in foster care.

Check out our staff photo album to see the highlights of RFK Anchorage 2021!

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